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  • Q: What industries are wood chisels usually used in:

    Wood chisels are commonly used in woodworking, furniture manufacturing, construction, renovation, woodworking and other industries.
    In woodworking and furniture manufacturing, wood chisels are commonly used for cutting, carving and scoring lines, which can help woodworkers to make various shapes of furniture, sculptures and decorations out of wood.
    In the construction and renovation industry, chisels are often used to install and trim wood, such as installing windows and doors, splicing wood floors, and trimming wood frames.
    In the woodworking industry, chisels are often used for working with wood, such as cutting mortise and tenon joints, carving lines and cutting wood.
    In short, a wood chisel is a common woodworking tool that is widely used in woodworking and in the manufacture of wood products in various industries.
  • Q: Wooden chisel handles are commonly available in the following materials:

    1、Wooden handle: Wooden handle is common wood chisel handle, usually made of hardwood, such as oak, beech, beech, etc.. This kind of handle is solid, comfortable to the touch, and also more durable.
    2、plastic handle: plastic handle is a cheaper and lighter choice, usually made of ABS and other materials. This handle is more non-slip, easy to clean, but relatively less durable.
    3、rubber handle: rubber handle is a relatively new material, it has a good non-slip performance and comfortable feel. Rubber handles can also effectively reduce vibration and protect the user's wrist and arm.
    4、metal handle: metal handle is usually made of aluminum, steel and other metal materials, they are strong and durable, but relatively heavy. Such handles are usually used on some heavy-duty wooden chisels.